Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back Into the Swing of Things!

Hey everybody - I still haven't done anything with pictures for my Blog, but I'm attempting another post.

We've been in school now for 3 weeks. Fourth grade really suits me. I'm beginning to really get to know the students and enjoy them. There are 27 of them - not a small number, but do-able! The last few days have been great and it makes me realize I love what I'm doing!

I don't know how many of you are familiar with NCLB (No Child Left Behind), a federal program to supposedly keep children in the school system and force them to succeed. Part of it, and Arizona is big on it, is making sure every teacher is "highly qualified" in order to be teaching in the classroom. A few years ago, I "passed" as highly qualified as a special education teacher but now that I've moved into a regular 4th grade classroom, I'm no longer highly qualified (even though I am DUAL certified, Spec.Ed and Elem.Ed, AND have a Master's degree AND have been teaching for over 20 years) - go figure! I now have to go take the AEPA - Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment. When I pass it, THEN I will be "highly qualified" - AGAIN! You know, Arizona is really hurting for teachers - this is not exactly the way to keep the good ones around! And life goes on..........

Labor Day weekend! Hooray (except for all the traffic)! I think I'll take Dallas to a show today or Monday - Mitch is hangin' with friends. I wish a great weekend to all of you! Catch ya later!


Kari said...

KIM!! It is so awesome to see a new post on your blog!!!!!!!!! Glad your first weeks (has it really been 3?) have been good ones.

Kathi said...

Glad to see your blog! If yours goes well for a few more years, I'll get one going too! (Maybe we'll switch from Videos to DVD's at that time also.....Maybe) Glad your 4th graders are becoming your younger friends!

TestPrep said...

I would like to let you know about a helpful new resource to help prospective Arizona teachers pass the AEPA Basic Skills Assessment. If you find you don't need the instruction, pass it along to a colleague.

Our online program (over 1,500 web pages of instruction) covers all competencies including the 2008 test specifications. The program's twelve (12) full-length practice tests in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics (4 each) are modeled on the practice test from the Official AEPA Web Site ( You can even write a sample essay and receive a reply with appropriate feedback.

Follow the simple steps below to begin using the program:

1. Locate the following URL with your Web browser:

2. Click on the "Sign In" link at the top of the page.

3. Click on the "Register" link and enter the following information.
School Number: 70004
School Key: 7y5g335nFH

That's it. You are free to use the program; there is no obligation on your part. If you find our instruction and practice tests helpful, you can send a testimonial to but you don't have to.

If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them.

Craig Hansel
Longsdale Publishing